X13Doc menu

X13Doc is a main menu item that includes functionalities designated to X13 documents. To create a X13 document select X13 from the Seasonal Adjustment \(\rightarrow\) Statistical Methods \(\rightarrow\) Single Analysis menu.


The X13 menu item

The X13doc item is displayed in the main menu of the application when a newly created or existing X13 document is active.


The X13Doc menu for a newly created X13 document

X13Doc-#number is a default name that corresponds to the X13 document’s name. It is updated automatically, once the relevant X13 document is renamed.

The options for the X13Doc include:

  • Paste – pastes the time series to the X13Doc window and performs seasonal adjustment for this time series using settings selected for the current process. The series needs to be copied previously, e.g. from the Providers window. Otherwise a message informing that the action cannot be done is displayed.

  • Refresh data – updates the input data and executes the seasonal adjustment process. This option is only available for X13 documents saved during a previous session with JDemetra+. To use this option, first create the X13 document and drag and drop the data into it. Then save the workspace and close JDemetra+. Next, update the time series (add/change the observations, but do not change either the location of the file or the file name) and open JDemetra+ once again. Open the previously saved workspace and double click on the respective X13 document in the Workspace window. Finally, choose the Refresh data option from the X13Doc menu. JDemetra+ re-estimates the complete seasonal adjustment model automatically, so the results are updated immediately. The user can modify the specification and validate the newly introduced changes using the Specification functionality (see modelling specifications and seasonal adjustment specifications).

  • Lock – prevents the series from the X13Doc from being changed when the user double clicks on a new one in the Providers window. However, with this option the user can still change the settings of the specification.

  • Copy spec. to workspace – copy the specification of the active document into the workspace. This allows it to be used for further processing.