Partial concurrent adjustment → Estimate regression coefficients + Arima parameters

The Partial concurrent adjustment → Estimate regression coefficient + Arima parameters strategy means that the ARIMA model, outliers and other regression variables are not re-identified. Every coefficient of the RegARIMA model is re-estimated but the explanatory variables and ARIMA orders remain the same. The transformation type remains unchanged.

The example below shows the initial model (left) and the results of the refreshment procedure with the Partial concurrent adjustment → Estimate regression coefficient + Arima parameters option (right). The ARIMA and regression coefficients have been re-estimated, thus the number of estimated coefficients in the revised model is the same as in the initial model (i.e. 16 estimated parameters). The transformation type and model structure remain unchanged while all coefficients have been updated.


The Partial concurrent adjustmentEstimate regression coefficients + Arima parameters revision policy results